Saturday, December 22, 2007

Heya! This is a post many has been waiting for! During the month of December, a group of volunteers got together because of a crazy idea of blessing a girl's home with christmas party! Doesnt sound so crazy? I am missing out the important part.. We only had 2 weeks to do it! But thanks to a really enthusiastic (and really noisy) team of my spiritual family, we were able to bless the girls on time! During this 2 weeks, i started out with little faith.. But the support of my spiritual family and their involvement, really pulled me through it all. The committee members(Johnny, Chicken Wing, Fishy, w2 and Soulmate) and I went thru alot together.. Not to mention, our volunteers(Scroll below for the list) who had to bear with a bunch of really noisy committee, and really demanding management, helped us to make this service learning project possible for all of us. During the first week, we were busy making all the bookmarks to sell out for funds, everyday going down to Jiayu's place just to complete them. initially, we din't have enough volunteers to help with it, but thanks to Jiayu, who pulled a whole bunch of girls in, we were able to complete the bookmarks on time before the first sunday of december, just so we can sell them out for funds in our church. During the second week of december, we concentrated on the Skit, which Chicken Wing came up with(refer below xD)

Special Thanks to ALL the volunteers who came down on that day, they are :

Ee Ling
Pei Shan

Enjoy the Videos!

Skit ONE

Skit TWO


Jesus looked at him and loved him. "One thing you lack," he said. "Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me." - Mark 10:21
12:29 AM

Friday, December 21, 2007

Sorry i wasnt able to blog for some time!! I just came back from Youth camp, it was awesome ! During this period of time since i last blog, i had completed the "Don't forgot, Do it for God" Event at Andrew and Grace, and went thru 2 camps in a month! All this woun't be possible with You lord ^^. And of course, special thanks to my spritual family who had helped me out tihs few weeks, Long list of credits coming up!! First and foremost, to my spritual father, Chee Aik!! *claps* Next, to everyone that helped in Andrew and Grace project ( I will be blogging about it on the next entry! Look foward to it! ) including Chicken Wing, Johnny, Fishy, W2, and my muachi grand-daughter! Not to mention, my soulmate, who cooked and baked lots of good food for us!
Okok, i am here to share something right? I recieve this from my email, thanks to Steven bro (thanks steven!) and i just want to share it wth you guys for this coming christmas. This is a letter from Jesus ^^ Enjoy ~


Dear All,
As you well know, we are getting closer to My birthday. Every year there is a celebration in my honor and I think that this year the celebration will be repeated. During this time there are many people shopping for gifts, there are many Radio announcements, TV commercials, and in every part of the world everyone is talking that My birthday is getting closer and closer. It is really very nice to know, that at least once a year, some people think of Me.
As you know, the celebration of My birthday began many years ago. At first people seemed to understand and be thankful of all that I did for them, but in these times, no one seems to know the reason for the celebration. Family and friends get together and have a lot of fun, but they don't know the meaning of the celebration. I remember that last year there was a great feast in My honor. The dinner table was full of delicious foods, pastries, fruits, assorted nuts and chocolates. The decorations were exquisite and there were many, many beautifully wrapped gifts. However, do you want to know something? I was not invited. I was the guest of honor and they didn't remember to send me an invitation. The party was for me, but when that great day came, I was left outside, they closed the door in my face .. and I wanted to be with them and share their table. In truth, that didn't surprise me because in the last few years all close their doors to me. Since I wasn't invited, I decided to enter the party without making any noise. I went in and stood in a corner.
They were all drinking; there were some who were drunk and telling jokes and laughing at everything. They were having a grand time. To top it all, this big fat man all dressed in red wearing a long white beard entered the room yelling Ho-Ho-Ho! He seemed drunk. He sat on the sofa and all the children ran to him, saying: 'Santa Claus, Santa Claus' as if the party were in his honor! At midnight all the people began to hug each other; I extended my arms waiting for someone to hug Me and do you know no-one hugged Me. Suddenly they all began to share gifts. They opened them one by one with great expectation. When all had been opened, I looked to see if, maybe, there was one for Me. What would you feel if on your birthday everybody shared gifts and you did not get one?
I then understood that I was unwanted at that party and quietly left. Every year it gets worse. People only remember the gifts, the parties, to eat and drink, and nobody remembers Me. I would like this Christmas that you allow Me to enter into your life. I would like that you recognize the fact that almost two thousand years ago I came to this world to give My life for you, on the cross, to save you.Today, I only want that you believe this with all your heart. I want to share something with you. As many didn't invite me to their party, I will have my own celebration, a grandiose party that no one has ever imagined, a spectacular party. I'm still making the final arrangements. Today I am sending out many invitations and there is an invitation for you. I want to know if you wish to attend and I will make a reservation for you and write your name with golden letters in my great guest book.
Only those on the guest list will be invited to the party. Those who don't answer the invite, will be left outside. Be prepared because when all is ready you will be PART of MY GREAT PARTY.
See you soon. I Love you!


What did you get out of this story? Does this christmas means anything special to you? Or issit another day of party? When we get together with friends, please don't neglect the reason why Christmas is celebrated, its because of the birth of Jesus Christ, who saved my life and yours, and who died on the cross for our sins. Hope everybody enjoy their christmas!

P.S.(It doesnt stands for Pei Shan) : Uncle Roar is right, to clarify the main points bringing across is about how we are forgetting the main purpose of christmas and just have fun. And how all of us are invited to a even grander party. So are you ready to recieve the invitation yet? Because He will hand it to you as long as you want it.

Jesus looked at him and loved him. "One thing you lack," he said. "Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me." - Mark 10:21
10:06 PM

Monday, December 3, 2007

Blind in Eyes, Sight in Faith

This past couple of months had been more than extrodinary for me. I use to wear a mask wherever i go, which is nowhere actually. Before i accept christ, i was already recieving the many blessings God had in store for me, like the fact about working in Trybe, (Those who wish to know about my testimony, please visit www.Trybe.org, and look for my profile ^^), and the fact about blessing me with not just an understanding friend, but a spiritual father who is always there to support me and guide me. People ask me, "Kai, if God loves you, why does he make you spend 20 years of your life in misery?"(It was a question i asked myself repeatly before i accepted Christ). The answer is this.. Because God knows me too well. If He had allowed me to grow up with Christian beliefs, I would not have as strong faith as Him coming down on me at the time of need due to my rebellious behaiviour. In fact, I probably would not even attend church on sundays. Instead of that, he watched his child suffered 20 years with a pain in His heart(Yes, i truly believe it pains Him to watch me suffer, and yes, He has been beside me this 20 years, watching me, and just waiting to reach out to me), just so that my faith in him will be strong enough to carry out the rest of his plans through me. People also says to me, "Kai, I don't see any changes in your life! You are still as financially broken as you are before you recieve Christ. Why not ask God to send you a blank cheque?" My dear friends, the thing is NOT about improving my circumstances at all! It is being able to identify my Circumstances, and Enjoy it. "Enjoy poverty? Rubbish!" Well, if you are investing your happiness in materialistic and short-term things, than your happiness will be short-lived. But I am storing my treasures in the Kingdom of God, and therefore, my happiness will be for eternity! And just to prove it, even thou i am under financially strain, i am still alive! For the past couple of weeks, i din't have a single cent. But God provided my daily needs for me on a daily basis thru blessings and my spiritual family, because He knows too well of my weakness of spending! Therefore it explains why he doesn't send me a blank cheque.
Throughout this period of time, it has been very trying for me. But because i have Faith, i start to realise that there are things you cant see with your eyes. There are things that you can only identify, if you really believe in it. So have you started on your journey of Faith yet?

Jesus looked at him and loved him. "One thing you lack," he said. "Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me." - Mark 10:21
9:40 AM