Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Hi Guys! It has been such a long time since i blog! I hope everyone enjoyed the AG-home post, but of course, i cant just let it rot there... Welcome everyone to 2008! It will defitnately be an fantastic year! Rest in the lord!

Anyway, i am posting because of a really crazy idea i have. In probably 2 weeks time, I am going to start a completely new blog, with a purpose. This Blog will house inspirational stories that i found on a daily basis, and life testimonies shared by people who are wants to be heard. So folks, if you have a really nice testimony, something u had overcome, or trying to, Email me! I will post the testimonies on the blog, and let it be a learning point for everyone else! Remember, sharing is a very powerful tool. Allowing others to learn from your own mistakes is a blessing! So what are you waiting for! Start typing that testimony of yours!

Just for a peek, stories that i will be sharing will consist of materials that i read, from books, newspapers, or even online blogs by certain pastors! *winks* Along with it, i will be sharing certain learning points that i felt when i was reading the story. Below is one example... Enjoy!


Inspirational story 1 - The Virtual of Excellence

Maggie was assigned to the inner-city classroom in the middle of the year. All the principal had told her was that the former teacher had left suddenly, and this was a class of "special" students. She walked in on bedlam, spitballs flying through the air, feet on desks, the noise deafening. She strode to the front of the classroom and opened the attendance book. Next to each name on the list were numbers from 140 to 160. Oh, she thought to herself. No wonder they are so high-spirited. These children have exceptional IQs. She smiled and brought them to order.

At first, the students failed to turn in work, and assignments that were handed in were done hastily and sloppily. She spoke to them about their innate excellence, theur giftedness, that she expected nothing short of the best work from them. She continually reminded them of their responsibility to use all the extra intelligence God had given them.

Things began to change. The children sat up tall, and they worked diligently. Their work was creative, precise and original. One day, the principal was walking by and happened to look into the classroom. He observed students in rapt attention, composing essays.
later, he called Maggie into his office. "What have you done to these kids?" he asked. "Thier work has surpassed all the regular grades."
"Well, what do you expect? They're gifted, aren't they?"
"Gifted? They're the special-needs students.. behavioral disordered and retarded."
"Then why are their IQs so high no the attendance sheet?"
"Those aren't their IQs. Those are their locker numbers!"
"Whatever," said Maggie.

Adapted from Chicken Soup for the Teacher's Soul.


Kai's Notes

When i read this story, i thought about the number of times i facilitated workshops in different schools as a volunteer. A simple positive affirmation for a student can cause wonders. It allows him/her to feel more confident in his work, and his work will naturally gets better as he tries harder. If meat and vegetables are the nourishments from our body, than i will say that encouragements and positive affirmations are nourishments to our soul. Therefore, never hesitate to encourage or affirm the people around you. The changes of their attitude towards certain aspect might greatly change just because of a word of encouragement from you.

Jesus looked at him and loved him. "One thing you lack," he said. "Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me." - Mark 10:21
6:42 AM